Sunday, January 11, 2009

The spark on the dynamite

The fascist elite are not stupid. They may be greedy, self-absorbed, and pathetically devoid of a moral compass, but they are not stupid. They anticipate reactions to their actions, and they devise contingency plans to deal with sketchy situations. Within a few generations they have managed to create a nation composed mostly of apathetic, lazy, and selfish conformists. They've stolen our wealth, enslaved us, poisoned the water hole, and shit on everything this country was founded upon, and they've managed to make most of us comfortable with the whole process.

Most of us are sitting on our shit spouts without a coherent thought in our heads waiting to die while visually masturbating in the soft glow of a cathode ray tube. Most of us, but not all of us. Some of us still care. Some of us can still feel real anger. Some of us want to do something about these violations against humanity. Some of us are preparing to do something. And the elite know it. They've anticipated this.

The emotionally defective elite know that right now, the United States is a time bomb. That's why the Army's 3rd Infantry Division’s 1st Brigade Combat Team is on active duty in North America (as of 10/01/2008). That's why there are over 600 Rex84 FEMA camps in the US that are fully staffed, fully operational, and ready to fill with prisoners, yet remain empty. That's why the Patriot Act and The Violent Radicalization and Homegrown Terrorism Prevention Act make it possible to label almost anyone a terrorist. The elites have learned from their tyrannical predecessors that they must be ready in advance to quell a revolution.

There's the dynamite, now the spark.

On December 20th, 2008, We The People Foundation chairman Bob Schulz announced plans to form a new continental congress of the people to counter the unconstitutional federal government. Mr. Schulz is currently touring the US, laying the foundation for a peaceful revolution that will abolish the federal government as we know it.

I believe this is a wonderful idea. I believe this is necessary if we are to be a truly free people again and I wish these people all the support in the world. But if I'm right about half of what I believe, then these brave men and women have my deepest sympathies for what will happen to them.

The people in power now are some of the most evil, uncaring beings to ever inhabit our beautiful planet. They do what ever it takes and kill whoever they need to in order to maintain and expand their power. They will not tolerate a revolution of the kind Mr. Schulz is organizing because it just might work.

I will try to attend the Lansing, MI meeting, but I will not participate in Continental Congress 2009. Not because I am afraid, not because I don't believe in the cause, but because I don't think it will go far enough to accomplish it's purpose. This doesn't mean I wont support the movement. I'll do my best to inform people about it and why it's necessary, but I don't think it is possible at this point in time to dethrone the elite. I'd love to believe that the good guys will win in the end, but that's rarely the case in this world.

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